Here is a new dimension to the age old Tamil – Chinese ties. From the Tamil New Year and Thai Pongal day, all the 18,266 hymns of Thirumurai can be read in Chinese Pinyin due to the efforts of these scholars. 1. Dr. Punal K. Murugaiyan, Tamil Linguist, Chennai, 2. Dr. Goh Yeng Seng of the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technical University, Singapore, 3. Dr. R. Sivakumaran of the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technical University, Singapore, 4. Mr. V. Vinothrajan, Computatonal Linguistics Programmer, Chennai. This effort is their contribution in furthering and enhancing Tamil – Chinese relationships. Many persons of Chinese origin, now in Singapore and Malaysia recite thirumurai and are practicing as singers. ,>, , This effort in transcription is to support those singers and the globalised Chinese community in delving into Tamil songs.
I am pleased to share this news with you on this day, having coordinated these efforts in transcription for the past 12 months.
Thanking you.
Maravanpulavu Sachidanandam
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